Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: This app controls Voodoo sound for Galaxy S, Nexus S phones Galaxy Tab and Asus Transformer running custom kernels implementing Voodoo patches.
If you don't want or cannot flash a kernel, my commercial app "Voodoo Control Plus" has the ability to load Voodoo Sound with only root.
Formely known as Formerly "Voodoo Control Plus"
Root is required.
Kernel drivers GPL source code:
Devices supported:
- Asus EeePadTransformer: 3.0.1 and 3.1
- Nexus S & Nexus S 4G: Android 2.3.3, 2.3.4 Official Google system and CyanogenMod 7.0.0
- Galaxy S I9000, I9000B, Captivate, Vibrant: CyanogenMod 7.0.0 - current version
- Galaxy S I9000: Samsung 2.3.*
- Korean Galaxy S / Galaxy U / Galaxy K
- AT&T Captivate: SGH-I897
- SHW-M130L Galaxy S: SHW-M130L
- Galaxy Tab International: GT-P1000 and regional variants
- Galaxy Tab Verizon: SCH-I800
- Galaxy Tab AT&T: SGH-I987
- Galaxy Tab Sprint: SPH-P100
- Galaxy Tab T-Mobile: SGH-T849
- Galaxy Tab SKT: SHW-M180S
- Galaxy S Froyo: GT-I9000 and its regional variants like I9000B, I9000M, I900T
- AT&T Captivate: SGH-I897
- AT&T Infuse 4G: SGH-I997
- Giorgio Armani Galaxy S: GT-I9010
- Rogers Captivate: SGH-I896
- T-Mobile Vibrant: SGH-T959
- T-Mobile GalaxyS 4G: SGH-T959V
- T-Mobile Exhibit 4G: SGH-T759
- T-Mobile Sidekick 4G: SGH-T839
- Verizon Fascinate: SCH-I500
- Verizon Continuum: SCH-I400
- Verizon DROID Charge: SCH-I510
- Telus Fascinate: SGH-T959D
- Verizon Fascinate: SCH-I500
- Sprint Epic 4G: SPH-D700
- MetroPCS Galaxy Indulge: SCH-R910
- M110S Galaxy S: SHW-M110S
- SHW-M130L Galaxy U: SHW-M130L
- SHW-M130K Galaxy K: SHW-M130K
- DoCoMo SC-02B Galaxy S: SC-02B
- Galaxy Tab International: GT-P1000 and regional variants
- Galaxy Tab Verizon: SCH-I800
- Galaxy Tab AT&T: SGH-I987
- Galaxy Tab Sprint: SPH-P100
- Galaxy Tab T-Mobile: SGH-T849
- Galaxy Tab SKT: SHW-M180S
- Galaxy S international, AT&T Captivate, Rogers Captivate, Verizon Continuum, DoCoMo SC-02B, T-Mobile Vibrant, Telus Fascinate, M110S, SHW-M130L, Sprint Epic 4G, Verizon Fascinate
Galaxy SLC LCD, Galaxy S Plus: GT-I9003 / GT-I9001 is not supported because its hardware platform is entirely different.
Galaxy Tab Wifi: SGT-P1010 is not supported either for the same reasons.
What's in this version:
Some ROMs include an old version. If the updated version crashes, just reboot and it will be fine.
Sync with Plus license package for release
Better contact email template
Free app merged with the Plus app!
Dedicated license app will follow soon
Fix headphone amp shortcut (you need to re-create it in launcher)
Download Instructions: